Thursday, August 19, 2021

 Bad day at work? ~ Frustrated by very uninformed customer?
Have really stupid comments on your posts ?

Well, CHEER UP !

Remember these folks are Descendants of Dino Snot . . .
Feel a lot better now, don't you
. 💁

Brighten up a friends day, share the orgional post.

 If you put it in writing
(Post on social media)

You know it coming . . . 😀
Don't claim you haven't been warned

Visit & share the orgional  ~

 I never said that . . .

A post-able disclaimer guaranteed to save you from undue harm.
Use at your own risk. . .

Visit the original:

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Images you need.

Admit it, you have friends who post image, puns and really bad jokes that you crave respond like this. [Reuse in retribution as much as needed to relieve your stress]